For some, knowing that death is near can be a unique blessing. It gives one time to say goodbye and time to plan how we want to be celebrated when we are gone. It’s hard to summarize a person’s life in a single service, obituary or life story…and really that’s not the purpose of those medias. In the end, one’s life cannot be fully summarized at all because it lives on in the ones left behind. Such as it is for the family of Char Carpenter. Her legacy lives on in the lives of those who loved her.
Char Carpenter’s life was celebrated by her family with a beautiful service at her church. In the last months of her life, Char had the opportunity to plan her own Celebration of Life. She knew exactly what she wanted and shared her thoughts with her family. Wanting to ease the burden on her family, she also accompanied her family to Heritage Life Story Funeral Home and shared her ideas with Lee Karelse. Char made it very clear what she wanted; including a small brass band playing “Oh When The Saints Go Marching In” to usher guests to lunch. Speaking of lunch, she also made it very clear what she did NOT want….plain old ham buns. That was Char. If she was going to do something, she was “all in”. Even in death she wanted those gathered to feel seen and special. Because to Char….everyone she came in contact with was special to her, and you felt it.

Char was a photographer. She loved taking people’s pictures and she made you feel comfortable in front of her lens. Everyone and every event she came in contact with was worth capturing in a photo. Char was a teacher. There was always something to learn! Char was adventurous. Her adventurous spirit propelled her and Steve to travel all over the country with their little daughter, Kelsey. Kelsey grew up enjoying traveling and “experiences” with her mom. She fondly remembers dancing in the moon shadows with Char and the grandkids at a beach cottage they rented each summer. Most of all, Char valued spending time with those she loved. Char was a daughter, wife, sister, mom, grandma and friend. She pursued people no matter how you were connected to her.
Char’s service had her fingerprints all over it. That being said, those distinct and loving fingerprints were there to point all who attended to Jesus. Char knew that in the end, it is all about Jesus. He was her Savior and Lord, and her life was lived hoping and striving to reflect His love. What a testimony!
Our staff was blessed to be able to walk alongside Char’s family during this time. Each person is unique and should be celebrated as such. It is our privilege to individualize each service to uniquely reflect you or your loved one.